
Picture: IGFM

Narges Mohammadi has been pursuing her human rights work with great passion and personal sacrifice. No wonder that she won a number of awards and prizes. Here is an overview.

APS Andrei Sakharov Prize 2018

The American Physical Society has awarded its 2018 Andrei Sakharov Prize to Narges Mohammadi…

for her leadership in campaigning for peace, justice, and the abolition of the death penalty and for her unwavering efforts to promote the human rights and freedoms of the Iranian people, despite persecution that has forced her to suspend her scientific pursuits and endure lengthy incarceration.

Link: American Physical Society

Weimar Human Rights Award 2016

The award is given annually by the city of Weimar, Germany. In his honorific speech for Narges Mohammadi, German parliamentarian Michael Roth said:

Narges Mohammadi is not alone in her tireless fight for human rights. We stand by her side and tonight, our thoughts are with her!

Link: Pictures, speeches and background information in German provided by the IGFM (International Society for Human Rights), which co-organized the award ceremony

City of Paris Medal 2016

Médaille de la Ville de Paris

In a strong show of commitment to the defence of media freedom and media workers on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo yesterday awarded City of Paris medals to four journalists who are supported by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Link: Reporters Without Borders

Per Anger Prize 2011

The Per Anger Prize was established by the Swedish Government to promote human rights and democracy.

For persevering in publically struggling for human rights and the freedom of women in Iran, through personal courage and in spite of repeated gross violations of her freedom and security, Narges Mohammadi is awarded the Per Anger Prize for 2011.

Link: Background information, including a video interview with Taghi Rahmani, Narges Mohammadi’s husband

Alexander Langer Award 2009

The award comprises a 10.000 Euro donation offered by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano, Italy. On the official website, Narges Mohammadi is quoted as follows:

The Iranian society has been strongly claiming its right to democracy. Students, workers, teachers, women, youngsters have precise requests and the Government will have to give them an answer. A satisfactory answer. It is not the problem of an elitarian group, it is the problem of an entire nation.

Link: Alexander Langer Foundation