Twitter storm on March 19, 2020: Invitation and background information


Many of you have been following the news and updates about Narges Mohammadi. Unfortunately, her situation has worsened after her transfer (or better: exile) to Zanjan prison. Like other political prisoners, she is also endangered by the coronavirus epidemic. Therefore, we will hold a twitter storm for her on March 19, on the eve of the Persian New Year Nowruz. Please join us on twitter from 6.30 pm (Central European Time) onwards. 

Stop Narges Mohammadi’s exile to Zanjan prison, save her from the coronavirus crisis, better free her unconditionally!

Basic instructions:

  • Please follow our account @UnitedForNarges. You can copy our tweets or write you own messages (also in other languages).
  • Use the hashtags #MaydayNarges (new hashtag for the twitter storm) and #FreeNarges.
  • You can also include other fitting hashtags, for example: #Nowruz #coronavirus #Iran #humanrights 
  • Of course, you can also show support on other social media platforms.


Background information

In December 2019, Narges Mohammadi was violently transferred from Tehran’s Evin prison to Zanjan, which is about 300 kilometers away from the Iranian capital. In a letter, she later wrote that she had been tossed into an ambulance by a group of women and men including Evin prison director Gholamreza Ziaei. During the whole drive she was bleeding from the wounds she sustained from this mistreatment. Due to pre-existing health problems, Narges relies on blood thinners which makes her highly vulnerable to injuries.

Narges’ exile can be seen as an act of punishment. Prior to her transfer, on December 21, she and seven other women political prisoners in Evin Prison had expressed their solidarity with the mothers of victims of state violence.

The conditions in Zanjan prison, where Narges is being held now, are even worse than those she endured in Evin. Especially the medical facilities are very poor. As Narges wrote in her letter, “they do not even have medicine against a cold”. In view of the coronavirus crisis, her mother said that Narges could not obtain disinfectants, even though she would have paid for them.

Narges is also deprived of vital social contacts. According to her husband, Taghi Rahmani, she is not allowed to receive in-person visits. The weekly phone calls with her children, granted after her 2016 hunger strike, have already been cancelled for more than half a year. Due to the exile, her ties with other prisoners of conscience were also cut off. Even books and other belongings were taken away from her.

According to a database provided by the human rights organization United For Iran, Narges is currently the only female political prisoner in Zanjan prison. That is, she is held among regular convicts, some of whom are dangerous criminals. Drug consumption and fights are common inside the prison. Her mother stated that Narges was recently subjected to sexual and physical threats by another inmate.

It should be noted that Narges stayed in Zanjan prison already during a previous prison term. Her health condition deteriorated so much during that time that she was released on bail in 2013, to be able to undergo medical treatment. In 2015, she was rearrested despite her ongoing illness, and the remaining sentence was added to the current one.

Iran is among the countries most heavily hit by the coronavirus epidemic, with one of the highest death rates. (Official figures apparently do not reflect the true number of victims.) The judiciary recently stated that about 85,000 prisoners were temporarily released to prevent the spreading of the virus in prisons. However, few political prisoners, and none few of the arrested dual nationals and foreign academics, have been granted prison leave so far.

The conditions for Narges Mohammadi in Zanjan prison are unbearable. She is an innocent human rights defender and deserves to be released immediately. At the very least, she should be granted medical furlough.


Information in other languages:

  • En Iran, les prisonniers politiques seuls face au coronavirus Marianne
  • Hafturlaub nur für wenige politische Gefangene im Iran Deutsche Welle 
  • Irans Zivilgesellschaft im Schatten der Krise Deutsche Welle


Poetry behind bars: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and fellow prisoners

In this excellent article by blogger CiLuna, you can find more background information about Narges Mohammadi and the other women who wrote the “poems from prison” (see the previous post).

ciluna27's Blog

In the previous post I shared with you poems which were written behind bars, in the Women’s Ward of Iran’s Evin Prison. In this blog post I want to introduce you to the five women who wrote the poetry: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, Narges Mohammadi, Nasim Bagheri and Mahvash Sabet Shariari and I want to share their stories with you. 

1. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

Nazanina) Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was born on 26 December 1978. She is a British-Iranian dual national and worked as project manager for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a charitable arm of the news agency Thomson Reuters. She is married to Richard Ratcliffe. They have a daughter Gabriella who turned three on 11 June 2017. Richard and Gabriella are both British citizens.

b) Nazanin’s parents live in Tehran. In March 2016 Nazanin was on holiday visiting her family for Nowruz (Iranian New Year) together with her daughter Gabriella…

View original post 3,708 more words

Poetry behind bars: The Poems

Thanks to blogger CiLuna, we have the chance to publish (reblog) several poems written by Narges Mohammadi, Nazanin Ratcliffe and other prisoners of Evin’s women’s ward. All poems deal with the themes of prison and freedom…

ciluna27's Blog

15 November is the Day of the Imprisoned Writer. Marian Botsford Fraser, chair of PEN International’s Writer Committee said about this day: It’s a way of saying to all imprisoned writers: “You are not forgotten. We stand with you and fight for you”. This blog post and the next one want to deliver exactly this message. To mark this day I want to share with you in this blog post poetry which was written behind bars, in the Women’s Ward of Iran’s Evin Prison by five women: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, Narges Mohammadi, Nasim Bagheri and Mahvash Sabet Shariari. In next blog post I will introduce you to these women and will share their stories. 

The poems were read at a Vigil for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe in front of the Iranian Embassy in London on National Poetry Day (28 September 2017). All poems deal with the themes of prison…

View original post 1,103 more words

#Mountains4Narges – The gallery

We now have a first picture gallery from our #Mountains4Narges campaign (see here). Thank you for all the pictures and wishes for Narges Mohammadi’s release!

  • Foremost, we hope to raise awareness for Narges Mohammadi’s case, so that she is released and free to explore all these mountains and places, along with her family.
  • Our campaign will go on in the future, presumed that Narges Mohammadi remains in prison. So please continue to post pictures and wishes, using the hashtag #Mountains4Narges.
  • The pictures below are arranged in random position and size. If you click on a picture, you will see a slideshow.

Narges Mohammadi’s letter on solitary confinement

Below we publish an English translation of Narges Mohammadi’s recent letter of appeal to the Iranian Parliamentary Commission about the practise of solitary confinement in Iranian prisons. Article 90 of the Constitution and the role of the commission are explained in this link. Narges’ appeal is another example of her tireless effort to shed light on the prison conditions in Iran – especially for women.
(Note: The text is published as we received it from the translator. It contains a few typos, for example, “islamic republic of iran” is written with small letters. These errors are not corrected as they may be quite intentional.)

To the head and members of the Article 90 of the Commission

  1. You are certainly familiar with the concept of ‘solitary confinement’ and are aware that civil activists, as well as those accused of political and religious activities in Iran are kept in solitary confinement at the beginning of their arrest for the reason of investigation and interrogation, for days, months and sometimes even years. This has turned to be a routine in the islamic republic of iran.
  2. You are aware that under the rules and regulations of the islamic republic of iran, keeping the detainees in solitary confinement is illegal, violating Iran’s constitution as well as the detainees’ rights and dignity. The security and judicial entities have taken over the ultimate control of solitary confinement without obliging to any time limits or defining its condition.
  3. You must be informed that solitary confinement is a form of torture aimed at the detainees which has been used throughout history with different regimes and governments. In recent years, solitary confinement has victimised many people in Guantanamo and Abu Gharib prisons as well as 2-A, 209, 241, 59 Eshrat Abad including solitary confinements in the security wards of other cities outside the capital in Iran. This way of torture plays a great role in the history of torture, notorious in some specific regimes and governments.
  4. This catastrophe has other much worrying dimensions to it the least of which includes:
    1. Being exposed to physical, mental and emotional disorders among the detainees,
    2. Collecting arbitrary confessions from the detainees by applying pressure on them,
    3. Issuing heavy verdicts on the basis of false and untrue confessions received by applying pressure,
    4. Suppression of civil society and its activists,
    5. Horrific incidents such as death of Zahra Kazemi, Zahra Bani Yaghoob, Sattar Beheshti, etc.,
    6. Moral, physical and sexual harrassments of the detainees.

Members of the parliament of the islamic republic of iran

As a defender of human rights who have been a victim of this torture myself and am currently witnessing the continuation of this act and pain of other victims, i find myself obliged to lodge a complaint and do whatever it takes to put an end to this torture. Therefore, i’d like to request you to form a committee for:

  1. Inspecting the security and legal sides of this concept, including ways to which such unhumane and illegal actions, systematic torture by the Judiciary and security entities can happen without any monitoring and supervision,
  2. Examining the human side of such horriffic torture of mankind and its damages by inviting victims of solitary confinement and listening to them.

I would suggest that such report must be publicly discussed in a debate in the parliament for the public to know. Hereby, i request you to utilise any legal possibility and authority to end this torture against humanity.

It is obvious that such inspection and investigation will eventually take place, if not today but tomorrow, if not by you as the represantatives of the iranian nation but by others, and if not in my country but elsewhere.

The last but not least, i’d like to mention that as i write this letter, 15 women prisoners who have experienced solitary confinement are enduring their sentence in Evin prison. That sums up to nearly 140 months of imprisonment in solitary confinement and security wards whose words and experiences can make up part of the investigation by your committee.

Narges Mohammadi
September 2017, Evin prison

Original: Center for the Defenders of Human Rights

Mountains for Narges Mohammadi

Who is Narges Mohammadi?

Narges Mohammadi is an Iranian human rights defender, physicist, and mother of twins. In 2016, she was sentenced to 16 years prison (of which she must serve 10 years), solely for her work supporting civil and human rights. For similar reasons, she had previously received another 6-year sentence, so the total of her sentences amounts to 22 years. One of the charges against Narges Mohammadi involves “establishing and running the illegal splinter group Legam“. The acronym stands for “step by step to abolish the death penalty”, a group that Narges Mohammadi founded along with other human rights defenders.

Who are we?

We are a group of independent human rights supporters who are connected on social media, especially twitter. We do not officially represent Narges Mohammadi or her family, and act only in our own names. To connect, please follow @UnitedForNarges and the hashtag #FreeNarges on twitter.

How does this campaign work?

In order to send a message of solidarity and raise awareness for Narges Mohammadi’s case, we kindly ask you to share pictures of mountains or hills on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.), using the hashtags #Mountains4Narges and #FreeNarges.

Just a few guidelines: Please use your own pictures, or pictures taken by friends and family members. In any case, make sure you do not violate copyright laws. There is no specific deadline for this campaign, so you can continue posting pictures whenever you like.

Why mountains?

Narges Mohammadi’s hobby used to be mountain climbing. When she was a university student, she was banned from mountaineering due to her political and human rights-related activities (Source).

What text should I add to my post?

You may add a message of support, motivational quote, or Haiku (inspired by the Haikus for Nazanin campaign) to your picture. A Haiku is a short, three-lined poem, for example:

On the mountain slope
our minds connect, explore
paths to freedom.

Please also use the hashtag #Mountains4Narges in your post. (The hashtag does not have to be on the picture.)

What else can I do?

Just the fact that you are informed about Narges Mohammadi’s case, and tell others about it, already makes a difference. Here you can find more background information:

You can also sign and share the following petitions:

Thank you!